Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Be Present.

So its been awhile! The past month has been quite busy--- when I say busy, its my mind that can't stop processing and digging deeper into crevices of understanding that I feel void of.

Its interesting as humans our desire to understand to the detail why everything happens the way it does, why things don't happen as we desire them, why we have what we DO have. This isn't all bad but sometimes we need to learn about living in the present with ourselves and with God.

I seem to jump to a space of always preparing myself or wondering what I will be prepared for in the future; a calling, a family, a location. Losses and gains that I will experience in this life that can't always be understood. As a millennial living 3,000 miles away from my childhood I can know whats going on in the lives of those who I love and those really who I have only met once. There is SO much knowledge that is being shared and distributed- having an opinion or a voice is extremely encouraged to a degree that can, at times, be overwhelming.

I have experienced being overwhelmed by an overload. When I have a mind that over- thinks already,  it can at times not be healthy.

I am reminded of being present in the day to day. To 'be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10' when being still is difficult (especially living in Southern California). I encourage you, be present in relationships, be a good steward in your job and work hard without checking your cell-phone constantly. People need you and instead of looking to your phone to receive this or send it; although this is extremely wonderful. Make a point to connect with people face to face who you can listen to, laugh with, and do LIFE with.